Cashier Number Four Please!

Zero Knowledge is a dangerous thing. We started this crypto journey with hifalutin ideals about #transparency. Blockchain, we said, would eliminate the need for #trust, make everything more efficient, and do away with corruption and fraud, because everything would be visible to anyone on-chain.  Well, turns out we don’t want that much transparency. We have known forContinue reading “Cashier Number Four Please!”

The Future of the Internet of Things

Imagine yourself in the future. You get up and your coffee is already made for you, perhaps even your entire breakfast. Smart kitchen utensils are preparing your scrambled eggs, and the smart fridge reorders soy milk as you take out the almost empty bottle. You are probably not reaching for your phone; instead, voice commandsContinue reading “The Future of the Internet of Things”

How to Become a Smarter Marketer

Most marketers, even those with academic credentials, are too busy implementing corporate marketing strategies and working with the products they need to sell. We write copy, we blog, we post, we distribute, and we learn how to use the latest marketing automation tools. We waste endless hours on pointless meetings with clients who want usContinue reading “How to Become a Smarter Marketer”

What is the Benefit of Modern Data Warehousing?

[Guest Post by Ronald van Loon] Access to relevant customer and industry information is the primary competitive advantage businesses have over their direct and indirect competitors today. It is the smartest approach to remaining vigilant in a business environment where competition is at an all-time high. That is where data warehousing comes in. Data warehousesContinue reading “What is the Benefit of Modern Data Warehousing?”

Forget Fake News – Here Comes Fake Data

AI voice assistants will cause a flood of fake data Everyone and their grandma are now working on algorithms to fact-check news. But as manufacturers, marketers and especially as consumers, we are facing a much bigger enemy. It is called artificial intelligence. This is the present: you run out of milk and go to theContinue reading “Forget Fake News – Here Comes Fake Data”